Acryl on canvas
4x 40x40cm

The house my ancestors have built in 1885.
The house I grew up.
The house I spent my childhood.
With my parents, sister, grandmum.

The house which was the center of my life.
Maybe still is.

The house which survived two world wars.
The house which was pretty much destroyed after a hailstorm.

The house I don’t live in anymore.
But all the memories do.

A tribute to the house which will always be my HOME…​



BLACK grid elements from the top is for the bombs, which were falling down in the 2nd world war.

GREEN grid elements from the buttom is for the next generations, growing up in the house.

WHITE grid elements from the left is for the nature desaster, which hit the house.

RED grid elements from the right is for the love, the family, which was and is still living in the house.